Copyrights and Author Bios

Copyright notices

As a general rule, a copyright notice should reflect the year in which the material was first created and the year(s) in which the material has been substantially updated:

© EFCA 2005, 2006-2007. All rights reserved.
© 2002-2008 EFCA. All rights reserved.

Inclusion of a copyright notice is a claim of ownership. A copyright notice should be placed on all videos and training documents. Details on whether or not the information can be reproduced can also be included. For online content, the same information might be placed in the site’s footer.

In addition to using the copyright notice, you may seek formal registration of material with the U.S. Copyright Office. For more details regarding copyrighting personal blogs/content versus ministry content, contact EFCA Communications (

Requests to use EFCA copyrighted material

When someone requests permission to include EFCA material in their own publication or on their website, please refer the request to EFCA Communications (

Author/speaker bios

There is no right or wrong way to print a bio; the most important consideration is to ensure consistency between bios used throughout a document. Bios can be in sentence form or can appear as a simple listing:

  • Mark Smith is associate pastor at First Evangelical Free Church in Morgan, New York.
  • Mark Smith, associate pastor, First Evangelical Free Church, Morgan, New York.
  • Mark Smith, associate pastor, First EFC, Morgan, New York.

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