Voice and Tone

First off, let’s explain the difference between voice and tone.

Voice is the way we speak and interact with others every day. Our voice includes punctuation, word choice and content structure, and it doesn’t change much.

Tone is how we choose to speak and interact with others in certain situations. It changes, in the same way vocal tones change in different conversations. Your tone is different when you talk with your boss than when you talk to your parents about the same subject.

EFCA Voice

At the EFCA, our voice is earnest. It’s clear and compelling. We offer services, resources and information for the betterment of the local church. We want to serve readers and get out of the way so they can continue reaching all people with the gospel and multiplying transformational churches.


Clarity is king. We are here to inform. Your tone shouldn’t distract from a reader’s understanding of the content. What is the reader’s mindset and why do they need the content? Adjust your tone according to the answer. Someone needing a credentialing document would expect a different tone than another searching out a blog post about student ministry.

The EFCA tone is usually formal, aiming to help and direct, rather than entertain. We are definitive, but not boring or tame.

We are…

  • Purposeful but not pushy
  • Compassionate but not naive
  • Serious but not pretentious
  • Educational but not patronizing
  • Comprehensive but not overwrought
  • Confident but not self-righteous
  • Truthful but not unfeeling
  • Earnest but not forced

Writing tips

  • Use active voice. Speak and write directly.
  • Remove trendy sayings and pop culture references. However, use difficult theological terms in the right contexts. Know your audience.
  • Use positive language. The glass is always half-full as a follower of Christ.

Multiplying transformational churches among all people.