Email and Standard Mail

Email Signatures

There are many ways to include contact information in the signature of an email message. The following presents guidance for EFCA employees:

John Smith (bolded text—you may include credentials)
Director of Publications (title)
Office: (952) 853-1234 (at least one phone number should be provided)
Cell: (952) 123-4567 (optional)
Evangelical Free Church of America (organization name written out)
[insert EFCA logo—right click to save the image]

Preferred fonts: Arial or Georgia with a font size of 11 or 12

In addition to the EFCA web address being included, you may choose to also list your ministry’s specific web address. (Please be sure that web addresses appear as hyperlinks when possible and that they are user-friendly—i.e. not extraordinarily long. Communications can assist with shortening URLs.)

In the case of ministries with unique branding (ReachGlobal, ReachNetwork, GlobalFingerprints), please download the appropriate image below to show the relationship of your ministry to the parent organization and use this image in your signature. Open the link below and right click to save the image.

The final version should look like this for EFCA staff:

John Smith
Director of Publications
Office: (952) 853-1234
Cell: (952) 123-4567
Evangelical Free Church of America

For subministries:

John Smith
Director of Publications
Office: (952) 853-1234
Cell: (952) 123-4567
Evangelical Free Church of America | ReachGlobal

For more details regarding correct branding, see the “EFCA Brand Identity Guide.

Mailing Addresses

If building numbers, apartment numbers, lot numbers, etc., cannot fit on the same line as the street address, this information is to appear as the first line of the address, with the street address on the second line. The secondary address unit designator (e.g., Apt, Ste, Bldg, etc.) may be present if space allows; otherwise, a pound (#) symbol can be used.

Appropriate Use

234 Hilltop Dr Apt 504
Greenwich, PA 23853

Apt 504
234 Hilltop Dr
Greenwich, PA 23853

Inappropriate Use

234 Hilltop Dr
Apt 504
Greenwich, PA 23853

If a plus4 is not provided for the zip code, enter the street address on the first line, PO Box number on the second line:

234 Hilltop Dr
PO Box 104
Greenwich, PA 23853

If a plus4 is provided for the zip code and you can see the PO Box number in the plus4, enter the street address on the first line, PO Box # on second line:

234 Hilltop Dr
PO Box 104
Greenwich, PA 23853-0104

If a plus4 is provided for the zip code but you cannot see the PO Box number in the plus4, enter the PO Box # on the first line, street address on the second line:

PO Box 104
234 Hilltop Dr
Greenwich, PA 23853-2503

Refer to the “Addressing U.S. Mail” website for detailed guidelines:

Addressing International Mail

Print your delivery addresses in all uppercase letters. If possible, addresses should have no more than five lines.

Line 1: name of addressee
Line 2: street address or P.O. Box number
Line 3: city or town name, other principal subdivision (i.e. province, state, county) and postal code (if known)
Line 4: country name (uppercase letters in English)








06570 ST PAUL


Refer to the “Addressing International Mail” website for detailed guidelines.

Standard state abbreviations (postal code abbreviations in parentheses)

Alabama – Ala. (AL) Maryland – Md. (MD) North Dakota – N.D. (ND)
Arizona – Ariz. (AZ) Massachusetts – Mass. (MA) Oklahoma – Okla. (OK)
Arkansas – Ark. (AR) Michigan – Mich. (MI) Oregon – Ore. (OR)
California – Calif. (CA) Minnesota – Minn. (MN) Pennsylvania – Pa. (PA)
Colorado – Colo. (CO) Mississippi – Miss. (MS) Rhode Island – R.I. (RI)
Connecticut – Conn. (CT) Missouri – Mo. (MO) South Carolina – S.C. (SC)
Delaware – Del. (DE) Montana – Mont. (MT) South Dakota – S.D. (SD)
Florida – Fla. (FL) Nebraska – Neb. (NE) Tennessee – Tenn. (TN)
Georgia – Ga. (GA) Nevada – Nev. (NV) Vermont – Vt. (VT)
Illinois – Ill. (IL) New Hampshire – N.H. (NH) Virginia – Va. (VA)
Indiana – Ind. (IN) New Jersey – N.J. (NJ) Washington – Wash. (WA)
Kansas – Kan. (KS) New Mexico – N.M. (NM) West Virginia – W.Va. (WV)
Kentucky – Ky. (KY) New York – N.Y. (NY) Wisconsin – Wis. (WI)
Louisiana – La. (LA) North Carolina – N.C. (NC) Wyoming – Wyo. (WY)

There are eight states that are never abbreviated. Their postal codes are as follows: Alaska (AK), Hawaii (HI), Idaho (ID), Iowa (IA), Maine (ME), Ohio (OH), Texas (TX), Utah (UT)

Also: District of Columbia – D.C. (DC)


Place one comma between the city and the state name, and another comma after the state name, unless ending a sentence or indicating a dateline:

He was traveling from Nashville, Tennessee, to Austin, Texas, en route to his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She said Cook County, Illinois., was Mayor Daley’s stronghold.

Official USPS abbreviations

Street Suffixes:
Avenue – AVE | Boulevard – BLV | Canyon – CYN | Causeway – CSWY | Center – CTR | Circle – CIR | Crossing – XING | Drive – DR | Expressway – EXPY | Extension – EXT | Ferry – FRY | Freeway – FWY | Gateway – GTWY | Heights – HTS | Highway – HWY | Island – IS | Isle – ISLE | Junction – JCT | Key – KY | Lake – LK | Lakes – LKS | Landing – LNDG | Lane – LN | Loop – LOOP | Meadows – MDWS | Mission – MSN | Motorway – MTWY | Mountain – MTN | Orchard – ORCH | Overpass – OPAS | Park – PARK | Parkway – PKWY | Point – PT | Points – PTS | Port – PRT | Prairie – PR | Ranch – RNCH | Ridge – RDG | River – RIV | Route – RTE | Shore – SHR | Skyway – SKWY | Spring – SPG | Springs – SPGS | Square – SQ | Station – STA | Street – ST | Summit – SMT | Terrace – TER | Throughway – TRWY | Trail – TRL | Tunnel – TUNL | Turnpike – TPKE | Union – UN | Valley – VLY | View – VW | Village – VLG | Vista – VIS | Walk – WALK | Way – WAY

Secondary Unit Designators:
Apartment – APT | Building – BLDG | Department – DEPT | Floor – FL | Lower – LOWR | Office – OFC | Room – RM | Suite – STE | Upper – UPPR

Multiplying transformational churches among all people.